Whether you've got a brief product explainer script or a mountain of E-learning course modules, you need a clear, coherent voice and the correct tone for your intended audience, so to get your information across as smoothly as possible.
This is a form of voiceover I've really come to love and I've been told that my bright, lucid voice is great for making what is often very complicated, easily digestible.
I have plenty of experience voicing E-learning content. I record for for some of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies and healthcare organisations as well as smaller, though no less important, indie E-learning production agencies, and everything in between.
“We've used Sarah quite a lot recently for several different e-learning jobs. Each one was completed really quickly and efficiently which was great. We haven't had to go back with any amends at all, and some of the words were very confusing scientific ones! She's really easy to contact and always keeps us updated on her availability which is super handy. Sarah is very professional and lovely to work with and we'll definitely be using her again in the near future. I would recommend to anyone!”
Sophie Davies, Studio Manager, LOVELIVE Graphics

I completely understand that timing and budget are often big considerations, especially with long form E-learning projects. Although I'm always super keen to meet my clients and love recording at other studios, to help with this I have an excellent solution...
Introducing The Old Shed, my beautiful, broadcast quality professional home studio here in Oxfordshire. It's fully linked to any time zone in the world, with hard wired super fast broadband. If you want complete creative control and prefer to direct me live, this is can be easily done! I can also of course, self-direct.
Head over to my studio page to find out more!
I'm not at liberty to share examples of my previous work in this field due to the confidential nature of the projects, especially those in the healthcare sector. However I can happily do some name dropping of my clients in this genre of voiceover work...

Are you wondering how I'd sound voicing your next E-learning project?
Don't be shy...